Newsletter March 2023

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Newsletter March 2023

Newsletter March 2023

Good morning,

We would like to inform you about recent developments in employment law.

Recent cases

Recently we assisted three employees who together were entitled to a bonus of nearly 1 million euros.

Read more: click here.

Physician assistant summarily fired for impersonating her employer

The employee sent an e-mail to the municipality pretending to be her employer. That the employer therefore lost confidence in the employee is employee’s own fault.

Read more: click here.

The many forms of striking

The strikes are flying around our ears. Last month there were many strikes on regional transport and hospital staff also strike.

Read more: click here.

Driving instructor wrongly summarily dismissed for sending messages to students

Admittedly, the driving instructor’s Whatsapp messages are not appropriate in the relationship with a student. Nevertheless, the district judge ruled that this inappropriate behavior did not qualify as acting in the most serious category.

Read more: click here.

Unsafe workplace is the employer’s responsibility

The employee (a teaching assistant) was bitten in the chest by a juvenile while working. The subdistrict court ruled that the employer was liable for all material and immaterial damages resulting from this

Read more: click here.

Instant dismissal for employee who showed his genitals from company car after working hours

According to the court, the essence of the incident is at issue: the employee showed his genitals, after which he asked the lady to hold it.

Read more: click here.

If you have any questions about the above, we are happy to help you. Contact us at or call 010 – 249 24 44.

Yvonne Sørensen