In the event of the dismissal of statutory directors, partners and key executives, we relieve ed and contribute to a quick and successful resolution.
The dismissal of a statutory director of a company is subject to special rules of dismissal. A statutory director with an employment contract has both a company and an employment law relationship with the company. As a rule, the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) will have to take a decision to dismiss a director, subject to certain formalities. Moreover, there must be reasonable grounds for taking the dismissal decision, but the protection of a statutory director from arbitrary dismissal does not go as far as that of a regular employee. The company’s dismissal then automatically ends with the employment contract (with exceptions).
In practice, most dismissal decisions are annulled because of the failure to go through the procedure correctly and that can lead to disputes and high costs for the company or claims of the dismissed director. We assist you to efficiently avoid unnecessary costs or claims.