1.1 The private limited liability company Lemon Legal B.V. (Lemon Legal) established under Dutch law is part of a partnership of (practice) companies of lawyers acting under the name Sørensen Advocaten, a law firm based in Rotterdam. Lemon Legal is based in The Hague and is registered in the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 62110691 and with VAT number 8546.57.538.
1.2 These terms and conditions apply to all contracts to Legal Lemon and to all activities carried out and to be carried out by Lemon Legal.
2.1 Lemon Legal provides its services exclusively for its own account and risk. To the client, only Lemon Legal is the contractor and not the persons associated with Lemon Legal, even if it is intended that an assignment is carried out by a certain (legal) person attached to Lemon Legal. The operation of Articles 7:404 and 7:407 paragraph 2 BW is excluded.
2.2 Persons attached to Lemon Legal (including its lawyers) are not personally bound or liable. Any liability of (directly related) persons (including its directors), shareholders, employees, lawyers and their (practice) companies) is excluded.
2.3 Persons who are (in)direct shareholders of Lemon Legal can be referred to as “partner” of Sorensen Lawyers and/or of Lemon Legal or with concepts of equal meaning. They act solely on behalf and risk of Lemon Legal. Other persons who are (in)direct shareholders of (practical) companies that are part of the Sørensen Advocaten partnership may also be referred to as the “partner” of Sorensen Advocaten or with concepts of equal meaning, but they act solely on the account and risk of their own (practical) company.
2.4 These terms and conditions and otherwise agreed with the client are also negotiated for (legal) persons who are (in)directly connected to Lemon Legal or who are in any way involved or engaged in the service provided by or because of Lemon Legal. They may invoke any of these conditions, where appropriate, the name of the relevant (legal) person should be read instead of Lemon Legal.
2.5 Lemon Legal advises exclusively to, and from the perspective of, Dutch law.
2.6 Advice from Lemon Legal is exclusively for the client. Third parties may not rely on or derive rights from the work carried out for the client or the result thereof.
3.1 The hourly rate used by Lemon Legal does not include VAT and expenses (such as court fees, fees for bailiffs and courier services as well as other case-specific (un)costs (including travel and subsistence expenses)). Lemon Legal is entitled to review its hourly rate annually, as of January.
3.2 Unless otherwise agreed, the fee to be paid to Lemon Legal shall be determined on the basis of the time spent on a case (the number of hours spent times the hourly rate).
3.3 Lemon Legal invoices monthly and has a payment period of 14 days from the invoice date. The client does not apply for suspension or settlement. Payment in cash is not allowed. Invoices are only sent by e-mail.
3.4 Lemon Legal is always entitled to request an advance on the fee to be paid to Lemon Legal. Any advances paid by the client can be settled at any time required by Lemon Legal with outstanding invoices.